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Prophetic Ministry


Media Perspectives

Below are some current media stories with our added Christian perspective--we need to keep holding up God's truth in these changing times...


4/3/09:  The State of Iowa has legalized same-sex marriage--let's pray for God's wisdom and mercy and, hopefully, an overturning of this decision to return to legal marriage only between a man and woman! 

8/1/09:  A recent story came out on the local news that, possibly, another gambling facility will open up on the other side of Des Moines.  Our vote is NO, NO, NO!

UPDATE to above story (8/26/09): The opening of another gambling facility is not approved--we think that is GREAT news!

8/20/09:  Our DART buses in Des Moines have a big sign on them supporting atheistic views--let's have Christian sign on the DART buses saying we love God and believe in Jesus!