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A Very Encouraging Word for All Those Working for Revival in the Church

Posted: 2011-01-19 18:02:35 by: Keith Huber

Below is a very encouraging word to all those who are working for revival in the Church and for major reform, with much of our work behind the scenes and often unrecognized, unappreciated, and ourselves hated and persecuted. To all those who are longing for God to bring His Church back to Himself and for Him to be the center of it, and the honored King of it, here is a word for you! (above paragraph by David Nelson)

Jesus will build His Church

Zechariah 6:12-13 Amp. “…Thus says the Lord of hosts: … behold (look at, keep in sight, watch) the Man [the Messiah] whose name is the Branch, for He shall grow up in His place and He hall build the [true] temple of the Lord.
Yes, [you are building a temple of the Lord, but] it is He Who shall build the [true] temple of the Lord, and He shall bear the honor and glory [as of the only begotten of the Father] and shall sit and rule upon His throne. And He shall be a Priest upon His throne and the counsel of peace shall be between the two [offices-Priest and King].
Matthew 16:18 “…I will build My Church…”
Psalm 127:1 “Except the Lord builds the house, thy labor in vain who build it…”
I believe the days of the one-man show are over.
1 Corinthians 12:14 “For the body does not consist of one… but of many.”
1 Corinthians 14:26 “ …each one has…”
1 Corinthians 12:20 “ And now there are many limbs and organs, but a single body.”
1 Corinthians 12:21 “And the eye is not able to say to the hand, I have no need of you, no again the head to the feet I have no need of you.”
I have need of the body. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you have need of the body.

The Lord spoke this morning and said:
I will raise up My faithful servants-I say again servants, My Ephesians 4:11 servants and I will also raise up the “nobodys” (to the world,) but the “somebodys” to Me. They will execute My will, My plans and purposes.
They will come together as one man. They will gather and not scatter. They will unite into one body the children of God who have been scattered far and wide. They will love each other, serve and minister to the weak, afflicted and poor.
I will use them as instruments to build My Church. They will fully equip My people to also build up My body until all attain the fullness found in Me.
They will not take My glory, My honor, and My majesty upon themselves.
They will not take money, they will not take fame, and they will not seek great things for themselves. They will not seek to advance their own interests, but will advance Mine.
They will honor Me, exalt Me, magnify Me and direct and cause My people to gaze upon Me.
They will make Me King. They will come with a perfect and sincere heart and one mind to make Me Head of My Church.
They will be one with Me as We are one.
Zechariah 6:15 Amp. “…And [your part in this] shall come to pass if you will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.”
The Word of the Lord this morning 01-09-2011
from Keith Huber

You do not need to READ MORE, this is the entire writing


Christian Resolutions and Happy New Year 2011!

Posted: 2011-01-15 11:24:20 by: Sybil Nelson

Everyone have a happy and safe New Year—below are some Christian Resolutions for 2011:

For Christians, let’s be looking up to God more this year—keeping close to Him and His will for our lives. When things are prosperous and peaceful in our lives it is easy drift away from God.  Let’s keep praying for more of God in our churches or anywhere that Christians may gather.  Let’s watch and pray for God’s strength, wisdom and mercy on our neighborhoods, cities, states, country and the world!

If you are not a Christian, make the decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, right now, and be on your way to Heaven in 2011—please click on our website tab called “Following Jesus.”

Don’t get so caught-up in day-to-day responsibilities that God gets pushed to the side—we have to keep making God a top priority in our lives!

Read and study the Bible—keep listening to excellent Bible teachers and preachers on the Internet, on TV, at church, at conferences—any way that best works for you!


Vision of the Present and Coming Western Church

Posted: 2011 05-18_15:24:56 by: Gary Dagazz


Introduction by David Nelson
Here are just a few points in the writing below I would like you to notice. The two errors which Gary Dagazz (the author) saw, there will be leaders in what God is now doing as He prepares His Bride but they will be totally equal with everyone else, only that they have a different gift. Also, they will be much different than many of the leaders we see today. God will have leaders that are after His own heart, their only concern being that they want people to be close to God and know God for themselves, and come into the fullness of what God is preparing for us. If they can do this they are happy to disappear into the background. These leaders are only different from others in the gift they have, they are not a higher breed or a higher category. (there is to be no clergy/laity distinctions) The second error has to do with becoming too satisfied or set on some of the things God is about to do, as though we have it, or we’ve got it. God does not want us to try and “can” or “keep” something going without total dependence on Him and His leading at all times. What was good yesterday may not be good tomorrow, don’t try to keep manna for two days, always be ready to stop or go only as He leads every day. Always be looking to the Lord and saying, what does the Lord want, we will not rest in one thing or another, we always want to be hungry for everything the Lord wants, and to desire only what He wants. Finally, I want to warn people, as Gary Dagazz did, there may be “good” churches that seem to be right on target and that are very encouraging to those who attend their meetings. But I believe there are many churches that people will get stuck in for a time and may lose their discernment that what that church is doing is not what God wants. God wants something radical that few churches are willing to pay the price for, and though there may seem to be some encouragement in some churches, God is not with them and they are not doing what God is now wanting to do. This may seem strong but there must be strong words to uproot what is not acceptable to God and to plant what God wants to do. If a church will not hear what God is saying, God will not compromise, His word is now going forth to say what He wants for His church.
-by Gary/Dagazz.

Vision of the Present and Coming Western Church - 06-05-11:

I saw the people of God scattered in dark foreboding waters. They
were broadly scattered and mostly trapped into an apathy of the
status quo. As I looked I could see that many were comfortable
being scattered and overcome by the spirit of the age, but I sensed
a storm was about to shake many out of their apathy and awaken
them to repentance and revival.

As the sea began to roar in the coming storm I was able to see
that many individuals were alone, discouraged and struggling as
the waves and wind began to beat upon them. Some began to
realize the bondage and danger they were in and call out to God,
seeking a way of escape, many had begun to seek out others in
the tossing waves and together they had managed to keep their
heads above the swelling storm and encourage each other to
hope and trust in Christ.

I was fascinated and moved with empathy and compassion as I
saw my brothers and sisters struggle and endure; what I saw
happen next amazed me. Those who began to seek a way out of
this ocean of bondage were lifting their heads, seeking their Lord,
seeing a glimmer of the revelation of His kingdom, power and glory
and beginning to move towards the brightening land that was visible
on the horizon of the dawning day. Those that did this were for a
time fighting for their lives as the waves tried to push them down,
crashed over their heads as the wind stung their faces and sought
to blind them to the hopeful vision they were beginning to see.
Those who didn’t struggle had no such drama and were carried
along by the storm, spared the battle that these others were
going through. Some struggled for a time, became discouraged
that things seemed to get worse and lay back, defeated in the dark waters.

As I watched those that refused to quit, it was as if these
persevering, praying, struggling saints suddenly became vessels,
like small fishing skiffs, or mullet boats as we call them. The wind
and waves tried to sink these vessels but as they got their bearings
and began to steer the course towards the growing glory, the bows
of the boats rose above the waves and the wind filled the sails and
sped them towards their destination. Because they had persevered
and not been thrown off course these people began to rejoice in
the stability and freedom they were experiencing now they had
escaped the clutches of the raging sea.

I was excited as I saw that this was God’s church that was being
raised up, those in the vessels were of one heart and mind,
focused on the Lord, His kingdom and glory and filled with hope
and joy. Some of these vessels would rescue others as they sailed
along and had soon grown into a great multitude. As I saw what I
believe the Spirit told me was the end time church, I was impressed
that they were what could best be described as a powerhouse of
encouragement, unity of purpose, prayer, proclamation and exhortation.

I saw one of these vessels cutting through huge waves that were
seeking to drown a group caught in the storm. A cry of intercession
came forth from the body of believers in the ship that had a power
like holy violence, it was as though the darkness was in an instant
driven back and the roaring waves scattered. The sacrifice of these
vessels, in seeking to save those lost in the worst of the storm
meant they had to turn aside from their straight path and the comfort
of rising above the waves, and again be for a time be beaten and
tossed by the storm, but love enabled them to endure this for the
joy of seeing captives set free. I was weeping as I saw this great
love and sacrifice for the sake of others being expressed by the church.

I then made two errors in comprehending what I was seeing, both
ideas were met with the rebuke of the Lord as they rose from my
heart. The first was that this church seemed to be free from leaders
as we know them in the church today and just seemed to be made
up of ordinary everyday people doing extraordinary things. I was
asked a question. “Have I not set in my church leaders, teachers,
prophets, evangelists and shepherds; for what purpose are they
given to the church?” I instantly knew my heart was wrong, this
end time church was not against leadership, but was in fact the
product of ministry gifts that are focused on maturing and mobilizing
the saints to be God’s people. There were prophets in the Spirit of
Elijah, convicting, challenging and proclaiming holiness. As I looked
closer I saw such people uniting families, diverse cultures and age
groups on the vessels they served on. I also saw teachers,
evangelists and other gifted leaders, all were giving glory to God
and proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ. He was their head, their
vision and their treasure. None were elevating themselves above
the people, they were lifting up Christ and enabling people to truly
know and walk with God for themselves. One crucial characteristic
of these groups was that they were all extremely sensitive to, and
empowered by the wind of the Spirit, and were no longer fearful of
the storm or its power.

The other error I made was in determining in my heart to devote
myself to becoming part of the glorious church that I had just seen.
I was shocked that such a goal was subject to correction as I saw
it as a noble and valuable pursuit. I was encouraged to, “Seek first
the Lord and His righteousness,” and warned of the danger of
settling for any experience, movement or ministry along my journey
that would cause me to camp at a certain place of progress and
lead me to not continue in the upward call of God in Christ. I knew
that my carnal, religious heart could easily settle for less than the
fullness that God desires to bring to His church.


Desiring One Thing-Quotes

Posted: 2010-12-26 13:31:52 by: David Nelson

In Exodus 24:1 & 13 it says that Moses, Joshua, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and 70 elders ascended the mountain of God. They went toward the thick, dark cloud where God was. So it is in our day, the Lord wants to come down and tabernacle with us or have us come up to be where he is. It is the time for the Lord to reveal himself more. But he is looking for hearts prepared to meet with Him. We must press through all extraneous, side-lights into an area not yet known, where God stands alone with no buffer zone (or veil) any more. It is a place of face to face encounter. In this place we will “see God,” we will see where he stands, we will eat with him, we will sit at his table as never before. (Ex. 24:10 & 11) He is now calling to his Bride to seek him and long to come to this place in Him.

From David Nelson’s book, Desiring One Thing (see Shop PMI tab)

Revival Quotes

Posted: 2010-12-26 12:52:53 by: David Nelson

What do we mean by revival fire? Jesus is calling His Bride (the Church) to come close to Himself.) It is a wooing into a much more intimate relationship than we have known before. This call to a deeper walk and a deeper love for the Lord will create a new zeal and fire in our hearts for the Lord. I call this individual revival. It is a restoring to our hearts the Lord’s rightful place in our desires, affections, and He becomes our supreme focus as the things of the world grow dimmer. As the famous song says, “Cast your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” This is revival fire, God restoring us to our true destiny, in pursuit of our Lord. Song of Songs sets forth this mutual attraction and pursuit of our Lord and His bride to be.

Also there will be corporate revival fire. When a person has spent time in the presence of the Lord in prayer, spent time before His throne, a fire or anointing gets on their feet, their hands, their faces, and even our clothes. (see Exodus 30:22-33 and Ezek. 44:6-19) Moses had this experience where his face glowed from being in the presence of the Lord (but then it faded with time). But the Scriptures say in the New Testament that our anointing will not decrease as Moses’ did but we will ascend from glory to greater glory by the Holy Spirit. Be aglow with the Spirit the Scriptures exhort!

When the Lord speaks to us His words become fire in our hearts and in our mouths when we speak with His anointing. (True prophetic words are like fire in our mouths and like a hammer that breaks rocks, see Jer. 23:28 and 29) It also says in I Cor. 12:6-11 that when we move in a spiritual gift it is inspired (or God breathed) by the Holy Spirit through us and it becomes a manifestation of the living God. Is this not anointed fire from heaven! Yes, it is, and when each one at a meeting flows with the fire of God from one heart to the hearts of all present, all must admit, God is in our midst, He is speaking, He is making Himself known, He is a consuming fire and we are conduits of that fire to each other.

The Lord may be using our gifts more in the days ahead

Posted: 2010-12-22 12:09:00 by: David Nelson and Clifford Hilbert

The Lord may be using our gifts more in the days ahead        from David Nelson

Here is a writing by Clifford Hilbert that I liked. The reason I think it is good is because sometimes we may think that God is not using us as much as we would like. But He will do what is right with us and we will be fully satisfied with His work when it is all said and done. Also, in Daniel 11:31-35 it says that those saints who know their God and who are alive during the time of the anti-christ (which may be some of us, read my last writing, A Warning for the End-Times) will be strong and do great exploits. And those who understand will instruct many.... This writing by Clifford encouraged me in the areas of how we may be used more for the Lord in our gifts in the end-times. (please read below)

This is the latest post on my blog  (Clifford Hilbert)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Is There a Doctor in the House?
Recently a dear sister in the Lord wrote me telling me that she hoped the Lord called her home before His judgment was poured out in great measure upon this nation because she is physically disabled and in constant need of pain medication. She knew that medication would be in short supply during the coming years and she might not be able to get any. I fully understand what she was talking about and I knew how she felt. There is nothing wrong with hoping that the Lord calls her home because Paul himself wanted to go be with the Lord, but knew that the Lord had more work for him to do here on earth, so don't judge this woman because of her desires to be with the Lord.

My response to her was that during the coming years of great judgment upon this nation, that the power of the Holy Spirit would be greater than we can imagine and the Lord will use many of us to heal the sick and infirm so that they do not need medicine and pain killers. I believe this with all my heart.

But His power will not be given to those who have been seeking it for years so that they can do great things for Him and thus build up their own ministries and/or be recognized as a "mighty person of God". No, it will be given to those whom He can trust to use it as He tells them to use it for His purposes, and His purposes alone. It will be given to the humble who will not use His power to lift themselves up, but rather who will use it to see God Himself lifted up.

Back in 1983 the Lord anointed me with the gift of healing. He had me use it in church the next Sunday for one person, a woman who had been in and out of mental hospitals for several years since the death of her son. I did not know this woman nor did I know what her problems were. But the Lord had me anoint her with oil and prophesy over her. In dreams over the next few days He told me what would happen the next time I saw she and her husband. She would be a new woman, delivered from this horrible depression and mental torment and set free with a new life. Three weeks from that Sunday I saw she and her husband and they told me the exact words that the Lord told me in the dream they would say - she was a new woman, a new wife. The Lord had healed her!

That was the only time that He has let me use that gift. It is now 27 years later and He has not let me use it again, even on people whom I loved and wanted to see healed. The time is coming in the near future when He will release me to use the gift of healing in mighty ways, but only when, and on whom, He tells me. It will not be as I will, but as He wills.

So will it also be with many of you in the years to come when His judgment is poured out upon this nation. He will give many of you the gifts of healing and miracles in the coming days, to use as He directs you, not to use as you desire. In the coming days there will be many who will be physically and/or mentally ill who will not have access to medicine because there will be very little medicine available in this country. There will be shortages of everything, including medicine. But the Lord is merciful and He will provide His healing power for many who are ill in those days. His power of miracles will be used to let the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the mute speak. Arms and legs that have been lost will miraculously appear. Hearts that have serious medical problems will be instantly healed. Mental and emotional problems will be healed. Cancer will be healed. Arthritis will be removed from joints. Demons will be cast out. These things He will do through us FOR HIS GLORY AND HIS GLORY ALONE. Many will be saved and led to Him because of these things.

Where will these things take place? Wherever He wants them to happen. Sometimes they will happen when you meet someone on the street and the Lord tells you to pray for them right then and there. Sometimes He will have someone come and knock on your door and say "I don't understand this, but I felt led to come to your house just now", these will be people whom you have never met before. The Lord will tell you how to pray for them and He will heal them of whatever it was that was causing them a problem. Many will then give glory to God. But many will not, just as happened in Jesus' time.

Yes, sometimes He will even use us in churches. He will send us to a particular church one Sunday for no reason that we can comprehend. But when we get there He will tell us what to do, who to pray for, who He wants to heal. But let me warn you my brothers and sisters, some of the people may accept you and love you for what God is doing through you, but most of the leaders of the churches will not, because they are not doing it and controlling it and getting the glory. Just as the Pharisees and Sadducees rejected and persecuted Jesus, so also shall we be persecuted and run out of the churches.

Even in the places of refuge the same things will happen sometimes. Expect to be rejected and expect to be persecuted - Jesus was, and we are to share in the fellowship of His sufferings. His own people hated Him because He healed the sick and performed great and mighty miracles. Sometimes the Lord will let us be loved and accepted, other times we will be hated because we showed people the love of Jesus.

Remember the story of the man who was bound in the catacombs but kept breaking the chains. He was filled with legions of demons. Jesus set him free and ordered the demons into the herd of swine who promptly ran off the cliff and drowned. What did the people say to Jesus? They asked Him to leave their town. So also shall we be asked to leave churches and places of refuge for doing the will of the Lord healing people and setting them free from demons.

The Lord will use us to do mighty things in the near future, but be prepared for the persecution and rejection that will come along with it.      (You do not need to READ MORE, this is the entire writing)



A Warning for the End-Times

Posted: 2010-12-15 07:48:22 by: David Nelson

A Warning for the End-Times       by David Nelson         12-14-10

Have you noticed some strange weather patterns in the last few years? (Storms, high winds, large waves at sea, heavy rain and snow, etc.) There seem to be more earthquakes too. The book of Revelation speaks of meteors hitting the earth, wild beasts killing more people, one third of the trees and grass dying, all the creatures of the oceans dying, ships being destroyed, volcanoes, the sun scorching people, heavy hail falling on people, etc. Also, the Scriptures say that the end-times will be like a woman in travail where the birth pangs come suddenly, without warning, they come more often (closer together), and with greater intensity (stronger) as the Lord's return nears.

When I was in seminary there were three views taught and carefully supported by the Scriptures as to the Church being raptured out of this world by Jesus before or in the middle or at the end of the great 7 year tribulation. What I am about to say may run contrary to what you've been taught (and we can talk about this more) but please hear me out till I have presented completely this warning. I believe there will come a time when Christians will have to leave their homes and must walk away from everything. Again, please hear me out. There will be Christians alive during the 7 year tribulation. For at least 3 1/2 years the anti-christ will make war on the saints and prevail over them (see Rev. 12:13-17 (especially vs. 17 where it says that believers will carry the testimony of Jesus Christ, also see Dan. 7:21, 25, Dan. 11:32, 33, and Matt. 24:9). Is it possible that these believers in Rev. 12:17 are not just converted Jews but that some of us will be there too? What if we are here for part or all of the 7 year tribulation? And why are you saying that we will have to leave our homes?

In II Thess. 2:1-12 Paul makes it crystal clear that Jesus will not return (as we are to gather to meet Him (vs. 1)), do not be deceived, He will not return till the falling away comes 1st and the anti-christ is revealed. (Some say the rapture and His 2nd coming are two different events, and that may be true, but are we absolutely sure of that? Please read II Thess 2:1-12 again). (I would be glad to talk more about the rapture and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ for those who would like to do so, but remember, I have heard many verses supporting all views, but I want you to think about what I am sharing here). Do not be deceived (Paul says repeatedly), some Christians will see the anti-christ. In Matt 24:15-22 Jesus says, when the anti-christ offers the "abomination of desolation" in the holy place flee to the mountains, if you are on top of your house (which was a common extra room for relaxing in the open air (flat roofs) in those days), don't go down into your home to pack a suitcase (but flee). If you are in the field working don't go back home. If you are nursing a baby, or pregnant, or it is winter it will be harder to flee but you must. Even in Rev. 6:15 it says that the great (rich and famous) and the small (the average or poorer person) will hide in caves of the earth. God will prepare a place for us in the wilderness where He will take us and nourish us for 3 1/2 years. (But some will still be persecuted who are Christians (Rev. 12:17)).

All this may happen suddenly. But God is warning us, the birth pangs are now coming closer together and getting stronger and we must be ready to walk away from everything.

Creation is groaning. The angels, the animals, the plants, the earth and sky are all created and are all groaning (Rom. 8:18-23) and are earnestly waiting to see the revealing of the sons of God (you and I). The creation was subjected to futility, a lion kills an innocent new born gazelle, snakes bite animals and people and they die, weeds ruin our gardens, lawns and farm fields. In the 1,000 year millennium when Jesus rules over new heavens and a new earth lions will lay down with lambs, babies will play by snake holes, no more weeds (a curse on Adam and Eve's descendants). Creation will soon be free and we will soon be all we were meant to be. Creation groans and labors in birth pangs. Even we ourselves groan till we become all God has planned for us to be (Rom. 8:22, 23)

What God is going to do will come like a thief in the night, suddenly, when we do not expect, when worldly people will say, sure some crazy things have been happening but we say it is a time of "Peace and safety!" Then sudden destruction will come upon the world as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman. And they will not escape. (I Thess. 5:1-3)

And the world says, everything has been the same since the beginning of the world, He is not coming. But they forget that God was once before so angry with sin that He destroyed the whole world (all people) with a flood (except for the 8 people on Noah's ark). And He surely will destroy all people again with fire and fervent heat and the elements and all will be burned up and destroyed by the wrath of God. Therefore, since all will be destroyed, what manner of persons ought we to be in holiness and godliness? (II Pet. 3:1-13)

Here is what the Lord has spoken to my heart. Lot lived in Sodom and Gomorrah and these cities were condemned by God and burned to ashes as an example to those who afterward would live ungodly lives. But Lot was oppressed (felt a heavy weight) over the filthy conduct of the wicked. That righteous man (Lot) who dwelt in their midst was vexed and troubled in his righteous soul day after day as he saw and heard their lawless deeds. (II Pet. 2:6-9) But hear also what the great prophet Ezekiel says. He saw 6 men, one dressed in linen with an inkhorn at his side (probably an angel). God said to the one dressed in linen, "Go through the midst of the city (Jerusalem) and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." (Ezek. 9:1-6) To the other 5 God said, "Go after him through the city and kill, do not let your eye spare nor have pity. Utterly slay old and young men, maidens and little children and women, but do not come near anyone on whom is the mark; and begin at My sanctuary ( and they began with the elders who were before the Temple). This is very important! Do you realize that in the book of Revelation that it speaks not just of the mark of the Beast on people but that God puts His mark on people's foreheads too? In Rev. 7:3 and 9:4 the mark of God on people's foreheads is mentioned and locusts (like scorpions) tormented the people of the earth but were not to hurt those with the seal of God on their foreheads. What is this seal? We may not actually see it with our eyes but God knows people's hearts whether they are troubled and vexed by sin all around them and who long to live holy lives. We must be this type of people! But it is only by His grace that we have come this far and God's grace will carry us through all future trials as we hold on to Him.

I would like to end with a great word of encouragement. (Please read on for the conclusion of this writing)


Don't miss our LIVE Weekly Internet Program!

Posted: 2010-12-05 17:23:38 by: Sybil Nelson

Don't miss our LIVE weekly internet program with David teaching!  You can access the program by clicking on the link below Sunday afternoons from 3-4 p.m. Moines Amplified

There is also the ability to do an on-line chat with David during the program or any other guests that may be on the program.  You will need to log into into Des Moines Amplified to be able to chat.





Posted: 2010-12-05 10:04:40 by: Sybil Nelson

I just love Christmastime!  What a WONDERFUL time of the year!  I have had many, many happy and joyful Christmases and the ones that were not so happy I just choose to forget!  Let all folks who will, give honor to God during this Christmas season for sending Jesus to the earth, as we have our most wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ!  I am all for keeping CHRIST in Christmas! 

God Bless Everyone at this Christmas 2010 and always!

Sybil Nelson


Christmas Praise Luncheon

Posted: 2010-11-27 15:08:14 by: Sybil Nelson

Christmas Praise Luncheon

Saturday, Dec. 19th 


12 Noon to 2 p.m.

brought to you by Prophetic Ministry Iowa

4300 Ingersoll, Des Moines, IA 50312*


Come and enjoy a time of honoring God at the Christmas Praise Luncheon.  


 Instrumental and vocal music selections will be performed by the IHS Ensemble and the PMI Glory Band.  A FREE luncheon will also be provided.


A homily will be shared by David Nelson on the subject, Jesus Comes to Earth.


Please RSVP by December 12th at 515-270-5046 or E-mail:  info@


Prophetic Ministry Iowa  encourages people to become Christians, to keep strengthening their relationship with God and with other Christians. 

*Parking is available on Ingersoll Avenue.