The State of the Church, Parts I and II by Gloria Moore with comments following by David Nelson
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The State of the Church, Parts I and II by Gloria Moore with comments following by David Nelson

Posted: 2007-07-25 19:24:28

The State of the Church (Part I)   written by Gloria Moore  (Silver Spring, Maryland)  (2005)     (Comments following by David Nelson)  (Part  II also following) 

We are living in the days of Noah, Genesis 6:5,7. People are too busy to build the ark Matthew 24:37, 38 and 39. Many can't hear instructions on how to build the ark Genesis 6:14-16. Of course the ark represents the presence of GOD. The presence of GOD is the true ark which is the only protection from the demonic onslaughts in this last day.  We are living in a time of great deception and seduction 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Luke 17:20-37 and Matthew 24:4-28. The greatest seduction is in the church 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12. We are living in the time of the great falling away. Because we have vexed the Holy Spirit and opened the door to Jezebel not only to be comfortable but to control the ministry and kill the prophets. The rise of Jezebel correlates  to the rise of the spirit Elijah. God said in the last days HE would come in the spirit of Elijah Malachi 4:5,6.  As the spirit of Elijah rises up the spirit of Jezebel rises up opposing him.   Yet God has no left himself without a witness: there is a remnant that is left 1 Kings 19:18. This is a time of direct confrontation with the ambassadors of hell 1 Kings 18:19-38.  The only rebuke to the church of Thyatira was that it sanctioned the ministry of Jezebel, Revelation 2:20.   The way the Holy Spirit sees it is if you allow it to continue when you know it is sin, you have sanctioned it. Jesus now provokes us to rid the house of GOD of every spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel operates through the spirit of religion (one of her doors).  Jezebel is the precursor to The False Prophet. Her spirit of false prophecy is to prepare the people for " The" False Prophet. This is also the time when she is raising up false accusations against the saints I Kings 21:13, the spirit of condemnation, Romans 8:1,2. She is on the legal team of the accuser of the brethren, Revelation 12:10, a prosecutor but even more accurately a persecutor who sheds much innocent blood.  She operates through conspiracies and witchcraft: 1 Kings 21:7-10.  She fasts for demonic powers to kill you and take your inheritance. She employs false witnesses who are blinded by one of her idols of mammon, sexual immorality or lust for power 1 Kings 21:11, 12, 13.

She also seduces those who are innocent and don't have the spiritual discernment to know who she is and then disciples them. She operates by using the law against you, 1 Kings 21:10-13. She sets traps and conspires for you to fall. She strategizes on how to stone you to death with thoughts of confusion ( the people at Mt. Carmel) 1Kings 18:21. condemnation (Naboth) 1 Kings 21:10,13, oppression (the prophets in the cave) 1 Kings 18:4 and depression (Elijah post Mt. Carmel) 1 Kings 19:4,5. Jezebel is and was an adulteress woman. She  attempted to seduce Jehu when he came to judge her 2 Kings 9:30/ Pornography, perversion, lust and sexual immorality are some of her prime weapons. Only those who are pure will be able to overthrow Jezebel: 2 Kings 9:32, 33, the eunuchs. If Jezebel is not overthrown she will carry you out and kill you. She is the last principality we will fight prior to the battle with the demonic trinity: THE BEAST, THE FALSE PROPHET AND THE ANTI-CHRIST.     

Comments by David Nelson:  Gloria Moore has been a friend of ours for some years now. She is just now beginning to set forth some of the prophetic writings the Lord has given her. We want to encourage her and you with these as she sends them to us. Just a few thoughts about the above word: We are living as in the days of Noah, the ark can represent the presence of God and other things, a great deception is Babylon which is in the world and in the church. We look forward to more from Gloria in the days ahead.

The State of the Church, Part II by Gloria Moore

Why do I say we are living in the days of Noah?  Because the wickedness of today is as rampant as it was in the days of Noah. People are too busy to hear God's voice. Saints are too busy to hear God's voice. Church leadership is too busy to hear God's voice. Remember the ark was built by specific instructions from specific material. You can't build what God wants the way HE wants it if you don't hear the instructions. Secondly, it had never rained prior to the flood. Therefore, faith is required to build something that no one on earth has seen before or had a purpose for previously. Of course the presence of God has always had a purpose. In these last days God is looking for those who have ears to hear what the Spirit has to say to the church.  As they follow His instructions "When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.  God is  preparing a remnant (Noah and his family) for the end-time outpouring of His presence. He is simultaneously preparing them against the attacks of the enemy. As multitudes are swept away by the floodwaters of the forces of darkness, God's presence will buoy His people to safety: the ark. Unlike in the days of Noah God has given us grace and wants us to rescue as many people as possible and bring them into the family of God.  But in correlation to the days of Noah only a remnant will escape destruction. In similitude in the days of Elijah there was a remnant who had not bowed the knee to Baal. today we are still halting between two opinions or three or four. Jezebel had her prophets then, she has her prophets now. The problem is the majority of the church doesn't have enough discernment to differentiate between the two.  Because Jezebel wears a facade, spiritual discernment is vital to defeating her. Her job is to get you to commit physical and spiritual adultery. If she succeeds Baal is your bed partner. Jezebel worships Baal.  Baal was called the husband God. If you don't pray enough or obey enough you will automatically bow the knee to Baal.  You won't be fortified sufficiently to withstand the attacks of Jezebel. That's why in the Old Testament only the eunuchs could overthrow Jezebel. Those who would not compromise at the promise of a mate or anything else. Only those who are consecrated to the service of the King, the Bridegroom, can overthrow Jezebel. Only those who are intimate with the Bridegroom , the Bride of Christ will overthrow Jezebel. Whatever the Spirit of Elijah does the spirit of Jezebel does the opposite. One of the strategies of Jezebel is to break up families and turn the heart of the fathers away from the children.  Her goal is that the children spiritual and biological have no protection, no provision and no wisdom. The father is to protect, provide and give wisdom to the children. In the last days God said I will come in the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers. Malachi 4:6  Jezebel prostitutes the children for her own gain. Isn't that what the church has been doing? Ezekiel 22:24-29. Jezebel's influence on children is very important. In Revelation 2: 23, the Holy Spirit says HE will kill her children with death. Which means it really provokes the wrath of God to use kill and death in the same sentence in reference to one person. 

I will finish next time.    (To be continued…)



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