Prophetic Writing-Thoughts for the New Year 2007-by David Nelson
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Prophetic Writing-Thoughts for the New Year 2007-by David Nelson

Posted: 2007-01-04 19:59:00

The Lord is more interested now in a two-way street of our love shown to Him and His love shown to us.  It is no more just us asking for things from Him and Him giving to us, but of us asking what can we do or be that would be giving something to Him.  How can we please His heart, how can we do or be something that touches His heart and makes Him glad?  Not just something we do, but something well done with a good heart toward Him.  Not just doing, but a good (pleasant) and a faithful servant, like when your pet comes and lays faithfully at your feet or in your lap just because they like being near you.

What do we need to do each day to give to Him?  Think about things to be thankful for and thank Him for these things.  Spend time with Him to hear if He has something to say.  Think and say good thoughts to Him about His goodness and greatness.  What can I do today to please your heart, Lord?  Take away and fade away my misguided desires but replace my pursuits with more of what you want, Lord.

Also, if we will be more the initiator of kindness to those we see around us, that the flow of light and love comes from us, then we can look for some good responses and some good reciprocation from others.  If we don’t get any love in return we will experience much of what God experiences, giving good things to people who do not thank Him or recognize Him.  But if we get a response of love or kindness back to us from our efforts towards others then maybe a two-way street will begin with them.  The Lord is pleased when we give love to others and when even a relationship begins of a two-way street between you and others you meet.

What we need to guard against is being too busy that we don’t have time for the Lord or others because we are doing so much or have so much to accomplish, or our passions and desires are driving us that are misguided.  Not so busy with private pursuits but time to be with the Lord and give our thoughts toward Him, and time to touch others with kindness and maybe a two-way relationship will begin with them too.  

David Nelson


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