Fall Prophecy Gathering!
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Prophetic Ministry


Fall Prophecy Gathering!

Posted: 2011-10-12 05:25:40 by: David Nelson

Fall Prophecy Gathering, Saturday, October 29th, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 4300 Ingersoll, Des Moines, Iowa 50312


David will present a teaching on natural disasters and the Great Tribulation with insights from the books of Daniel, Nehemiah, and Revelation. Additionally, he will also share about the questions below: 

  • How do natural disasters and the Great Tribulation relate to church revival?
  • How much will Christians be connected and need each other during those times?


Sybil will be presenting contemporary and traditional Christian music, and thoughts from her favorite biblical passages from the book of Luke.   


Lunch and supper meals will be provided by Prophetic Ministry Iowa, please click info@propheticministryiowa to confirm which meal(s) you will be attending by October 24th.   Lunch will be Hamburger Stroganoff and supper will be pizza.

We had a GREAT weekend gathering in the spring and are looking forward to connecting with everyone again, let's keep encouraging one another towards God's ways!


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