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Prophetic Ministry



Posted: 2006-12-30 17:55:36

WHAT DO YOU THINKabout the excerpts below?

Excerpts from True Discipleship by William MacDonald
Walterick Publishers, Kansas City, Kansas, US


It is one thing to make a decision for Christ in the warm emotion of a mass evangelistic rally.  But it is quite another thing to deny one's self, and take up the cross daily, and follow Christ.  Although it costs nothing to become a Christian, it costs plenty to be a consistent believer walking in a path of sacrifice, separation and suffering for Christ's sake.  It is one thing to begin the Christian race well, but it is quite another thing to slug it out, day after day, though fair weather and foul, through prosperity and adversity, through joy and through grief.

A critical world is watching.  By some strange instinct, it realizes that the Christian life deserves everything or nothing.  When it sees an out-and-out Christian, it may sneer, and scoff and ridicule--yet inwardly, it has deep respect for the man who recklessly abandons himself to Christ.  But when it sees a half-hearted Christian, it has nothing but contempt.  It begins to mock him, saying, "This man began to build, and was not able to finish.  He made a big commotion when he was converted, but now he's very much like the rest of us.  He started out at high speed, but now he's spinning his wheels."

And so the Savior said, "You had better count the cost!"  Luke 14:28-32

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