Comments by David Nelson on Andrew Strom's article 9-28-10
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Comments by David Nelson on Andrew Strom's article 9-28-10

Posted: 2010-10-19 10:03:48 by: David Nelson

Comments on the article by Andrew Strom entitled, "In Church, out of Church, Future Church" (written 9-28-10), comments by David Nelson

I thought the above article was good but I did not agree with everything in it. Here are my positive comments on his article. (You can read Andrew Strom's article at his website

There is a future church that is beyond anything that any of us are seeing, a church that is literally better than the book of Acts (the latter house shall be greater than the former).

There is a need for "change." There has been a great "decline" in Christianity away from the old paths--and we must desire that God will move to restore and purify His Bride. We need to see things "righted" and the gospel message righted that has become so diluted and even lost.

God is about to move "outside the box" in such a drastic way that if we allow ourselves to be too attached to the current "system" or current "way of church" then we could be easily left behind. To get back to the true "Book of Acts" Christianity will take such a leap--and such change--that I wonder if we truly have it in us to go with Him where He wants to go. How "loosely" do we hold all these things--our buildings, our "meeting formats," our labels, titles, and our ways of doing things? When these things are shaken or challenged, it may suprize us when we discover what a hold they have on us, even if we think they don't.

You may be in the "church system" or have left the "established church" and may be meeting with others in a home. Or you may be getting fellowship here and there and staying close to the Lord through the Word and prayer. Andrew Strom wants us to know that no matter what you are doing there are six things that we must have, or we don't have anything! These six things I will list at the end of this writing.

Andrew Strom says we should not be too critical of those in the "church system," for he has noticed that some pray more than him, are kinder than he is, they are more loving and godly than he has ever been.

Inside and outside the "church system" Christians always seem to be arguing about petty things and are focusing on many side issues but if they don't have the following 6 things as a church they don't have anything!

Here are the 6 things we must have (according to Andrew Strom):
1-An Apostolic gospel preached with anointing and authority
2-The Holy Spirit must convict and change people
3-Real love (which includes a ministry to the poor)
4-Real discipleship, we must "forsake all" to follow Jesus
5-A whole Body ministry
6-Miracles and healings, these are a must

We need to get real Christianity back and I (Andrew Strom) don't see anyone who has it. What price are we willing to pay to see the glory restored to the Church, the Bride?

I (David Nelson) would like to say a little bit more about the above 6 points and add a #7 which I feel is absolutely neccessary, and not often taught in the churches today. My #7 is, we must have a real relationship with the Lord. A relationship that is so real that when we speak to Him we know He hears, and where He also speaks to us very clearly. We must all know His voice if we are His child, all of us from "the least to the greatest" must know Him. Does He show us things, give us things, are we loving Him more, trusting Him more, and experiencing His love for us? There must be a real relationship with the Lord developing and growing that we can almost touch it is so real and living.

Now let me comment on Andrew Strom's 6 points. There is Prophetic and Apostolic teaching and preaching that we will need to lay a ground work for what the Lord is now doing in His Church. He is making us what He wants us to be. What we are now hearing from the Lord must come with the conviction of the Holy Spirit so that we are changed. We must not harden our hearts when we hear His voice. We must have ears to hear.

In my new book "He is Making Us Ready, Luke 1:17" chapter 3, and in my book "Desiring One Thing" chapter 6,  I talk about the kind of love that must be restored to the Church. There will be a love and oneness among brothers and sisters in Christ that will cause the world to stand up and notice, and only then will they really know that God is with us and Jesus is real!

The real gospel and real discipleship will be taught. We must forsake all to follow Jesus. "If any one wants to be My disciple, he must forsake all, deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me."

Every person in the Body should be encouraged and be free to share what the Lord has been showing them. Church meetings should be completely open and free for all to share as the Lord prompts them.

I believe miracles and healings will follow us and become a normal thing, but we must not seek them 1st or we may be deceived by pretended signs and wonders from the evil one.

That's it for now, hope this has been an encouragement. Remember, you can read Andrew Strom's entire article at his website given above. Bless you!


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