The Army that is Growing Every Day
Posted: 2010-05-05 10:28:57 by: David Nelson
The Army that is Growing Every Day by David Nelson 5-5-10
There was at least 20 years of struggle from the time David was anointed to be king instead of Saul (maybe David was 15-18 years old when he was anointed) till he became the sole king in Jerusalem at the age of 37. God is preparing a Bride for Himself, she is growing stronger and more spotless in the shadows, the Saul system is not accepting these prophetic, tabernacle of David anointed seekers of God. But the Son of David is in their midst and He will be made King over them, He will build His Church.
In I Sam. 22:1 in the cave of Adullam everyone who was in distress, in debt, or who was discontented (bitter of soul) gathered to David as he hid from Saul's persecutions. In I Chron. 12:1 and 8 it says it says that helpers in the war came to David who were trained and ready for war. (we must be strong to keep fighting for and upholding truth). These warriors hearts were knit with David and his cause and they said, "We are on your side." There are people out there, all around us, who are understanding what God wants to do, how will God bring us together? I Chron. 12:22 says people came to help in the cause day after day until they became a great army LIKE THE ARMY OF GOD.
In the book of Nehemiah (4:7) it says that the walls of Jerusalem (perhaps New Jerusalem) were being restored and the gaps were beginning to be closed. The wall was being joined together because the people had a mind to work. (Neh. 4:6) God will give us the strength and desire to keep going because He wants a Temple, a City a People, for His glory. In Neh. 3:10,23, and 28 it says that each person or group worked in front of their house on the wall. One half of the people worked on the wall and the other half guarded with weapons (some people would had a brick in one hand and a weapon in the other hand). (Neh. 4:16-17) At times they sounded a trumpet to gather (whenever you hear the trumpet rally together). In Neh. 4:19 it says that the work is great and extensive and we are separated far from one another on the wall. But I am going to share some thoughts about how the Lord is going to bring us together.
In the book of Haggai God raised up a prophetic voice (just like you and I are hearing from the Lord) to tell the people, why has it been 16 years since you started working on the Temple, is it personal matters interfering in the completion of God's business? (New King James Version Intro. to Haggai, p. 829) The people said it is not time to build the Lord's house, but the prophet said, is it time to dwell in your own paneled houses and the Lord's house lies in ruins? Consider how you have fared! Well, we now know that God is moving us toward His Temple of greater glory, we are feeling it, and wanting to go with Him. But our efforts so far seem to be somewhat meager. In Haggai the people had laid the foundation but when they looked at what they had done it looked like nothing. (Hagg. 2:3) But the Lord says to you, I am with you, says the Lord (Hagg. 1:13) Be strong, and keep working (one brick at a time) for I am with you says the Lord of hosts. (Hagg. 2:4) Soon I will shake everything and I will fill this Temple (what He is doing today) with glory. The glory of this latter temple will be greater than all former temples. (Hagg. 2:7-9)
In Ezra 3:8 and 9 they arose as one (man) to build the foundation of the house of the Lord, they shouted so loud that the shout was heard afar off (over the whole earth). We are to meet together more as the day of the Lord grows closer. When each part in the Body is working properly we will grow to the fullness of the stature of Christ. (Eph. 4:12-16) Every time we connect with each other (perhaps from distant places on the wall) by e-mail, phone call, getting together, teaching each other, touching someone) we are closing the gaps in the wall between each other. When we drag our feet or hold back or get side tracked we delay His work from going forward and growing. The Son of David is to be made King over His Church, I believe you've caught this vision, say yes to one another, let your hearts be linked with one another, and every day we will grow into a great army (and a more perfect Bride). In the New Testament the churches touched each other and had people visiting each other from other churches. We must have more love for one another more oneness more togetherness. The more love and oneness there is the more all men and the whole world will see Him (Jesus).
So, let's reach out to each other, let's meet together and talk together, we should connect with love, let's let our hearts be knit together in the great things the Lord is showing us. The Army will grow and the world will hear and see (as the Lord Jesus commanded and prayed for us (Jn.13:34,35 and Jn. 17)).