A Message That Has A Bite To It...
Posted: 2010-02-17 20:11:43 by: David Nelson
A Message That Has A Bite To It,
A Message Worth Fighting For,
A Message That Is Moving On The Offensive, That May Offend or Be Hated
A Strong Word and a Hard Word by David Nelson (2-15-10)
God has had enough. His Church stinks, has foul smelling soars, is almost like Sodom and Gomorrah to Him (except for the very small remnant left), and its leaders are not acceptable to him, they have been rejected like King Saul for compromise. All this is given in the Scriptures in Isaiah chapter one. It says in chapter one my people have rebelled, do not know their master, they are laden with iniquity, have forsaken the Lord, have gone backward, and they are sick from head to toe. (vss. 2-6) The Lord is not interested in our sacrifices, our offerings, your assemblies before Him, your incense (prayers), your meetings, your uplifted hands, your many prayers. (vss. 11-15) what you are doing is futile, an abomination to Me, I cannot endure it anymore, I hate these things and am weary bearing with them. (vss. 13-14)
It has been said by those in the Church that prophecy is to be mainly for “encouragement and edification” because they don’t want to hear any hard words. But look how the prophet Isaiah opens his book in the first chapter! In Jer. 1:10 it says four times that prophecy is root out, pull down, destroy and pull down before it builds and plants again. God says to the pharaohs in the Church “Let My people go!” My people are not free to use their gifts in your meetings so that I can show my fuller glory, and they are not taught or encouraged to do so, Let My people go! God also says to His people “Get out of Babylon!” The Church is full of Babylon and its ways. Ichabod, the glory of God has departed in the churches and much of the Church doesn’t even know it. Just like Sampson went forth to fight and didn’t know the Spirit of the Lord had departed him. Very few are asking Where is the lord in all this that is being done in the churches?
Jesus is sick to His stomach with the Luke warmness in His Church and is calling for them to repent. If they will not repent He will spew them out of His mouth and could remove their candlestick. They think they are so pure, holy and righteous, not knowing they are naked, sick, pitiful and wretched. Jesus also states that He is outside His Church and wants someone to hear His voice, open the door and let Him back in to really sup with us as he has always desired.
Many think they are saved in the churches but are not. Many should be crying, “What must we do to be saved?” We need to know Him, we need to lay everything down and enter the narrow gate, we need to know His voice as never before and have a living relationship with Him. Do we want eternal life? Jesus said in Jn. 17, This is eternal life, to know the Father and the Son. If anyone wants to be His follower he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Him. How can we do any of these three things unless we know His voice and know Him? Are we being taught diligently how to do this? In I Jn. 1 it says that if we are not becoming like Him (more holy as He is holy) then we do not know Him. This is serious, we must be born again, get on His narrow path, and stay close to Him. Especially this is necessary in the dark days ahead.
What does the Lord want you to do? Do we know His voice well enough to know what He wants us to do? The Lord has a job for each of us to do and we must all rise up and do what He has called each of us to do! We must know at this time what saith the Lord, or at least be waiting for His next instructions to us. If this is not important why did Jesus warn about the servant that hid his talents in the ground, or the foolish virgins that had no oil in their lamps? They did not make it. We are not to go ahead with our own works if He has not spoken to us, we are not to move until the cloud moves.
Could people be so far from the Lord that they will not take what he is saying seriously? Are we so far from the day when the Lord devoured with fire those in the Holy of Holies who offered their own kind of incense? If someone touches the toppling ark of the covenant will the Lord still strike them with fire? Will Ananias’s and Sapphira’s still die for lying to the Holy Spirit? We must be so far from what the Lord really wants.
He is not the King of His Church as He desires to be, and He is not at the center of church meetings. When a church meeting is in progress if the Lord’s Spirit were to lift, most church services would go on as though nothing had changed. If the Lord stops leading a meeting does the meeting come to a grinding halt or do we just keep going on with the same old same old? The Lord mostly is just observing and has nothing to do with leading a meeting. This is not acceptable to the Lord and is not what he wants any more. He wants meetings to come to a halt when He stops leading. We should be bewildered and not know what to do when the Spirit lifts. We should not go on without Him. But there is so little discernment in the leaders and the people are not taught discernment as to when the Lord is leading and when He is not.
What must we do? Every person must have his own relationship with the Lord and taught to do so. We must want only what comes from the Lord and nothing else. We must want God things only, jewels from heaven, fire from His mouth, bolts of lightning from His hand, manifestations from the living God through each person’s gift, His manifest presence, his shekinah glory falling on us. Nothing else will do. Once we have tasted of these kind of higher meetings with the Lord we will never want to go back to what was before. We will only want to go higher with Him.
God is going to judge all that the Church has become that is not right and He is going to judge the leaders who have taught the people wrong. In Jer. 13 it says that a wall has been built that has been put together or plastered with untempered mortar. This is mortar that is weak and that will crumble easily. Who built this wall? Prophets (“spiritual leaders”) who have not heard from the Lord but spoke out their own thoughts. (Jer. 13:1-10) These leaders say Peace (everything is fine), when there is no peace (everything is not fine). They are building a wall of teaching and accomplishments that will not stand in the day of battle. The Lord says, This wall will fall when God sends His flooding rain and great hailstones. And the wall will be no more, neither will those who built it and those who plastered it with untempered mortar be anymore. (Jer.13:11-16) The lies of the leaders have discouraged those with righteous hearts but have encouraged the unrighteous to continue in their sins. The leaders have said, you are OK, you don’t need to change, your life is saved, you don’t need to turn from your sinful ways. (Jer.13:22) God is going to judge the Church and bring down all that is not of Him (false teachings and false leaders).
Finally, God is going to make it more and more clear who is of Him and who is not of Him. In II Thess. 2:10 it says that there will be many pretended signs and wonders and power that will deceive the unrighteous because they did not love and embrace the truth when they heard it. And God Himself will send upon them a strong delusion to make them believe lies because they did not believe the truth sent to them but rather had pleasure in unrighteousness. But those who heard the truth, sought God, loved not their lives even unto death, and followed the Lamb wherever He led, they will be blessed and will increase in anointing, and will become a Bride for Him without spot or wrinkle. (All this of course, will be only by His grace, from Him who loves us and always strengthens us). The righteous and unrighteous will steadily grow farther and farther apart with perhaps the false Church even persecuting the true Church. In Malachi 3:16 it says that those who feared the lord spoke often with one another (in true kononia fellowship and spiritual anointing), and a book was written before the Lord of those who feared the Lord and who (loved) to meditate on His name. These shall be Mine, says the Lord of hosts, I am making them My jewels, these are My children that serve Me. Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the unrighteous (and be able to tell the difference) between one who serves God and one who doesn’t. (Mal. 3:16-18)
Please hear His call to come out of the Babylon system. All you have to do is draw near to Him and humbly and sincerely ask Him to help you to walk closer with Him. Today, when you hear His voice, do not harden your heart but say Yes to the Lord. He is calling to you and he wants you.