Excerpts and Prophetic words from "Surviving the Depression--The Shaking Has Begun"
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Excerpts and Prophetic words from "Surviving the Depression--The Shaking Has Begun"

Posted: 2009-09-23 10:07:18

Excerpts and Prophetic words from the book by Andrew Strom entitled Surviving the Depression—The Shaking Has Begun (Sept., 2009)

P. 6—There will be a toppling of current Church leadership, a massive shake up of the way things are done and who heads what. Many will be demoted and many suddenly promoted by the hand of the Lord.

Ps. 6-9—The Commando Army by Ron McKenzie (New Zealand, Dec., 1977) (excerpts)

At present God is preparing a Commando Army which can fight and win under tough conditions with few resources. They will help God’s conventional army (the rest of the Church) though they are shattered and disorganized after God drops His bomb of economic depression. (this depression will be greater than the depression of the 1930s)

The Commando Army is a small group in the Church which God is calling into strict discipleship. They will reject the things of the world and live solely on what God provides. Their joy in poverty will be a witness to the world. The Church will be shattered without money and material things. They are blinded by wealth and have sunk into apathy. The Church is so worldly that the people of the world pay no attention to them. The Church had its security in wealth and happiness in material goods and now these are all gone. The Church and the world will see how happy the Commando Army is without things and with just God and will be attracted to their more meaningful life style.

Ps. 10-12—America in the Balances by Andrew Strom (Dec., 2006) (excerpts)

What is God going to do with an unholy America? They have CELEBRATED homosexuality and even more have actually helped broadcast and spread it around the earth. God calls this an abomination. Preachers go on satellite TV and teach other Christian leaders in other countries how to “milk” the sheep for money and grow rich at the expense of the poor. TV preachers are now being used by the devil to corrupt true moves of God all over the globe (Nigeria, Ghana< Brazil). This “prosperity” teaching is everywhere and still spreading. At this very moment America is hanging in the balances. God is making up His mind what to do with her. It will be IMPOSSIBLE to avoid the judgment of God. Expect a great economic crash. 9-11 and Katrina were warnings from God. Expect something to hit the West Coast and expect it to be BAD.

P. 21—The prosperity gospel has infiltrated many nations around the globe. It is about money, success, “giving to get,” hype and selfishness. It is the very opposite of “taking up the cross.” It is the opposite of everything Jesus stood for. God will drive this whole teaching into the sea (with the economic crash) along with all who preach it. Jesus wants His Church back!

P. 23—God is sick and tired of man running the church his own way—with the arm of flesh. God wants the reigns back! And He is going to take them back.

P. 37—There will be a changing of the guard. Just like Saul was replaced with David. (I Sam. 15:22, 23; I Sam. 28:17 and Matt. 21:43) The kingdom will be taken from you (Saul or the Pharisees) and given to a nation (or one) bringing forth the fruit thereof. (David or those who truly follow the Lord)

P. 38—How could such “great” or influential Church leaders think that Lakeland was of God and endorse it? (no discernment as to what is of God and what isn’t) (This is true of many people who claim to belong to God and to be His Church.)

P. 54—The “David Company” is being prepared just as David was anointed King yet there  were some years to pass before he actually became King. These now being prepared in caves (in hiding from Saul) will be the future leaders of God’s people. God has been preparing them in secret for many years around the world. This company will be a PROPHETIC PEOPLE, people whom God has been speaking to about “Things to come.” Such people will often have great difficulty fitting into the present system for essentially they are being “designed” for tomorrow’s church, rather than today’s. They will often feel like misfits and be misunderstood, persecuted and maltreated by those who identify themselves strongly with the present order. Often the powers-that-be will see them as some sort of “threat.”

Ps. 55-56—When the Saul ministries see the David ministries arise in the church they will often attempt to “stomp” on them, to dominate them, or if that doesn’t work, to limit their influence as much as possible.


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