Excerpts from "Finding Organic Church"
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Excerpts from "Finding Organic Church"

Posted: 2009-09-23 10:00:50 by: Frank Viola plus comments

Excerpts from Finding Organic Church by Frank Viola and comments by David Nelson

(Sept., 2009)


Introduction by David Nelson


I enjoyed very much this new book by Frank Viola. His insights were very encouraging to me and so I pass some of them on to you. I am not really giving his excerpts or my comments in the order they came in the book because some of my favorite parts were near the end of the book. Some of the things below are so rich, and other thoughts are very practical for starting and sustaining authentic Christian communities. I hope this will be for your great encouragement!


What kind of people is God raising up today? What kind of House is He building? What kind of Bride is He desiring? What changes are taking place in His people who are being “called out”? God is calling to us, He is calling for change in us, and He is in the process even now of changing us in some wonderful ways but it is not without some “growing pains” as we all well know. Here is a picture of some of the new breed of Christians that are coming forth. Some have gifts where it is important in their ministry to travel (apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, and others) and some have gifts where they mostly stay in one locale.


Here is the amazing thing that is happening today!


P. 305—There is a stream in the Body of Christ these days that runs deep and yet is hidden. (Some are hearing the call of God to come up higher, to Himself). These people may be scattered now but they are being taken into the depths of the revelation and experience of Christ. The Holy Spirit is dealing, emptying, crucifying this pioneer company because the Lord will need them for opening the way for the remainder of the Body to follow. These “eleventh hour laborers” are now in the process of His producing. (Quote by George Moreshead)


P. 306—There are those who have a deep and living relationship with Jesus Christ today. There are those who have been devastated by the cross and the breaking of God. There are those who have incomparable insights into the mystery of God, those whose only passion is God and His House, those who have a revelation of Christ that burns in their bosom, those who are mesmerized by the face of God (who bask in His presence), and who have the ability to preach Christ in such profound depths that God’s people are left staggering. The Body of Christ at large must recognize the role of such people. (And though there are some like this now, God desires all of His children to have such closeness to Himself).


P. 314—You may ask, what will it take for me to be on the front lines (in this revolution) for God? You will need vision from God, courage, spiritual depth (acquired by seeking His face), humility, maturity, sacrifices, and lots of rejection. It will take 10 times more problems and more heartaches than you could ever imagine God would want to pour out on you. You will need to see the unseen, see the richness of Christ which is beyond words and then have the ability to drown God’s people with His words in a breathtaking revelation of the Christ you have seen. That’s all it takes. But God is doing this in some and wants to do it in more and more who have an ear to hear. God will do it through us. Will you be one who will accept the challenge and respond to the call?


Paul in the Scriptures had a particular gift (apostleship) where it was important that he travel from place to place. Paul’s goal (as is the Lord’s goal) was not just to get people born again (and then to live separate lives from other Christians), but those saved were to become connected into church groups. When God’s people are gathered the Lord will be in our midst in a special way. Yes, He can speak to 10 different people separately in 10 different prayer closets but He can also speak to them all at once through a prophetic word and through all the gifts of the Spirit present whatever way He wants. When people are gathered there is a dynamic for God to manifest Himself in a way He does not do just with one alone. In fact, it is His goal when we gather to do whatever He wants and bring forth a corporate manifestation of Himself that is unique and unattainable with one alone. Yes, God can do wonderful things through one person, great things, beyond our comprehension. But it is not the day for “one man extravaganzas.” It is the day for the many who are hungry and who are being changed into His likeness to come together. “One man shows” do not show the multi-faceted glory of God as will come through the least and the greatest gathered and God is free to do whatever He wants through anyone and everyone. There may be glory and fireworks and a great geyser through “one man” but what kind of “Niagra Falls” of glory could come through a group of consecrated, hand picked vessels of the Lord!


We need traveling ministries today (apostles, prophets, evangelists, and others) just as much as we need gifted servants of God who mostly stay in one locale. We need corporate gatherings of hungry people to become the pure Bride and Household of God together in different locales (the Body gathered, to more fully express Christ).


What kind of heart is God preparing so that we will receive “the move of God” He wants to give us in the place where we live? We must welcome those sent to us from the Lord (traveling ministries), in so doing we will be blessed with their gifts that we must have for our local gatherings to come to their fullest potential. We must desire the “things of the Lord” to happen at our gatherings and ask the Lord for discernment to know what things are from Him and what things aren’t and “pant” only after what comes from the Lord’s hands.


P. 182—We should become like little children. One might think that they are a spiritual giant but when your group gathers how do you know what the Lord is going to do? Every meeting may be different. Let’s all be beginners every time.

P. 183—Unlearn all the ways you think a meeting should be and see what new ways the Lord may have to do things. Even put (lay down) your gifts and your ministry at the foot of the cross and let God raise up His surprises. Let God raise up whatever He wants to raise up.

P. 251—The coming great reformation of the Church is a time of stripping down, of traveling light, go through the “church baggage” you have carried for years and discover how much of it you can better do without, in doctrine and in organization. (Quote by John A.T. Robinson)


P. 129—True traveling ministries are largely hidden at this time, made up of broken vessels who do not want any title put next to their name. As Paul often worked for a living they too often work for a living. Many do not even want to be called apostles or prophets.


P. 314—We need true prophets and apostles, etc. that God has been and is preparing for the Church. They will not play games, they do not require money, they want to run from fame, they have already weathered all manner of insults, ridicule, criticism, and they have survived the fire. They are no different then all the prepared, precious vessels in many different places, the only difference is they have been called by God to travel (or at least help the Church in many different places) and they have good things for the local Bodies.


P. 100—The Apostle Paul would address the saints by making appeals (Greek word parakalein). The Greek word erotao means a request made between equals. And so we find in the Scriptures that Paul urged, beseeched, pleaded, asked, etc. When Paul would say, I charge you or I command you to do such and such (the Greek word paragello), often he would add, you are to do this unto Christ not me, not I (command you) but the Lord, or if you reject my words you reject Christ (or God). (I Cor. 7:10; 14:37; and I Thess. 4:8)  Paul had authority when Christ spoke through Him. If we pushed him away we would be pushing Christ away. There is a word going forth today from the least to the greatest, from servants of God that we must heed. You can hear it in your private walk with the Lord and you can hear it from others.



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