Hosting a Move of God in Your Area
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Hosting a Move of God in Your Area

Posted: 2009-07-18 22:57:09 by: David Nelson

Hosting a Move of God in Your Area       by David Nelson     6-18-09

In 1998 the Lord said to me, I want you to go to other states, I will speak to My Church through you and show you how to help people start revivals in different places. The Lord was assuring me that if I went where He told me to go and sought Him with others that He would come and show us the way to revival. During my travels I learned that the Argentina revival began with a small group seeking God alone. They put away all their previous activities, they prayed and waited on the Lord, and they were always asking, “Did the Lord show you anything today?” The one thing the Lord showed them was that one lady was to hit the table in the room with her hand and that if she did that, revival would begin. After days of delay the message was still the same and so she finally hit the top of the table with her hand and the Argentina revival began! Days of weeping, praying, seeking, and the miraculous followed.

Now I am sure there are many amazing and true stories and adventures on how the Lord has begun true revival in different places, but have you experienced true revival? And if so, is that move of God (that you tasted) still continuing? Great desire for revival may still be in your heart but is the Lord actually moving in the midst of your group? If He is, please tell me how things are going. If not, if your move of God began and stopped, or as yet has never begun, I have a couple of true stories (or adventures of my own) to share with you that may wet your appetite. And also, at the end of this writing, I will give you a word from the Lord on How to Begin a Move of God in Your Area!

First let me share what happened in two different states that I visited over a period of about 3 years (1 ½ years in one state, and 1 ½ years in the second state). In the first state, at times we would meet every day for 7-10 days seeking the Lord, praying for revival, and singing unto the Lord. From time to time one man would give prophetic words that seemed to us to be right on. One night we felt led to lay a paper before the Lord describing the Azusa Street revival and we petitioned the Lord for a revival equal to or greater than that revival. And then we felt led to stay up till dawn, waiting before the Lord to show Him our earnest. Good things happened during that year and a half.

In the second state I visited we also experienced an exciting move of God. One pastor in that town was willing to stop all “normal activities” and even lose people from their church who didn’t really want such a “radical” revival. (God’s revival is one in which we want to stop all human, flesh, or man-made activities and seek only Him, and to have 100 % Holy Spirit inspired and led gatherings). And so, we began praying and seeking the Lord. Sometimes our gatherings would be in a home and sometimes in the church building and sometimes even at the street corner. We never knew who was going to come or what we were going to do, and we waited for His direction at morning, afternoon or evening gatherings. Sometimes we would meet every day for 7-10 days. We might meet in the morning, or the afternoon or in the evening (and sometimes we did all three). Some of the things that happened over a 1 ½ year period were revelations from the Lord, visions, dreams, corporate singing times where the music was written and directed by the Holy Spirit on the spot. One night we danced war dances and interceded for Africa and maybe other countries in the Spirit. One night we just wept and prayed all evening at the church altar till the Spirit lifted. One night we stomped our feet and drummed our hands around a kitchen table at a home (all of this began spontaneously from the Holy Spirit). This went on for a half hour or more as we made intercession by the Holy Spirit with percussion sounds for things only the Spirit knew. One afternoon a revelation came forth concerning the woman in the Scriptures who broke the alabaster jar of expensive ointment. The Lord showed me at that gathering that revival was now beginning to be an every day, 24 hour a day move for whoever would come. And wherever we would meet that He would be leading and creating His exciting, “spiritual happenings” every day (and even at night we would dream dreams and share them the next day). All this was happening month after month for about 1 ½ years.

About 4 ½ years ago we began gathering in our own city (Des Moines, Iowa) to seek the Lord for revival. We met once a week for one hour with our main goal, prayer, seeking the Lord for revival to come into our hearts, for revival to come into our gathering, and for revival to come into our city, and even beyond the city limits also. That place where we met and that one hour a week became a sacred place that no longer belonged to us but to the Lord. There were different times where the Lord revealed things to us and where supernatural leadings came. One night in particular the Lord showed me something powerful. The Lord said that from now on what comes out of our mouths when we gather for that hour, at that place, will be heard by the Lord and what we ask will be done! Everything or anything that we ask He will hear and He will do from that place where we met. The Lord said that because you have sought me diligently, repeatedly and regularly that a place of prayer had been set aside and sanctified by Him and that we, from that place, could touch heaven every time, every week, that He would show us what to pray by the Holy Spirit and it would be done. I figured in time we would fully take advantage of what the Lord had said and had created in our midst. One thing we prayed for was that gambling machines in many public places would be removed, and that prayer was answered. All over Iowa the gambling machines were taken away from public stores.

We are continuing now in Des Moines, Iowa seeking and praying for a new move of God. And the word I have for all who read this is, The Lord is ready to begin His move of the Spirit in your area. Are you willing to begin? To begin, you must, like the Argentina revival, continually say, looking around at each person who sincerely wants this revival, Has the Lord showed you anything today? Whether you meet every day or once a week for one hour you must all have hope and desire and intensity and persistence to seek the Lord for His revival and not give up till it begins to come. At first, it may just be small things that happen but you will know they are from the Lord. Thank Him for every small thing and keep pressing in even when at times it seems nothing has happened. I assure you that something has happened in the heavenlies by your seeking. The God of all power and of all that exists has taken note. And He has said if you draw near to Me I will draw near to you. So please begin. Can you say, on such and such date we began, and we will never give up till His fullness of revival and the fullness of His presence comes? If you are hungry and thirsty for His righteousness you will be satisfied (by Him). And if your desire is for only Him in His purity then nothing will satisfy you except Him alone. Whatever you do, do not stop meeting regularly and hold on together to the same goal and vision for revival whatever it will take. You should be able to record things that the Lord does and see an increase in His presence and His fire in time.

He is causing a hunger in us for Himself and He wants to come into our midst. Revival is the Lord’s goal to change each one of us, that we might be closer to Him than ever before. When we are changed by His presence others around us will see that change, be drawn to Him too and be saved. By your invitation, I would be willing to visit your area to help encourage you towards experiencing revival. He has given me the gift to help people towards revival, so call or write me as the Lord leads you to do so. Blessings to you all in these exciting times and let all be for His glory!   *(This is the entire writing. You do not need to go to a second page)


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