15 minute Prophetic word to the world and the Church
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15 minute Prophetic word to the world and the Church

Posted: 2009-02-28 08:45:32

15 minute Prophetic word to the world and the Church     (2-9-09)


This is the beginning and the essential basis for all the depths of God that will come after. Jesus is the answer all people are looking for. All of our questions will be answered in Him. Jesus is alive in heaven and is still seeking for men and women to follow Him. He is calling out to all men. He will manifest Himself to you and speak to you if you seek Him and open your heart to Him. Jesus is the key and the door to everything you need or seek for in your heart of hearts. The one and only way God has provided to reach Himself is through His Son Jesus Christ.


Just as the Lord spoke to Noah to build an ark in the Bible, He spoke to Abraham to leave his home and told him of some of his future destiny, He spoke into the heart of David to kill Goliath and that he was to be the king of Israel, He spoke to Isaiah what to prophecy and what to write in the Bible, He spoke to John the Baptist to preach in the desert, He spoke to Paul to believe in Jesus and build churches in various cities, and just about every person in the Bible God spoke to clearly to do thus and thus, God wants also to speak to you today and show you step by step what His plan is for you. These in the Bible all completed their life plans and destinies and now God is looking to us who are alive now to show each one who is willing to hear what they are to do.


The problem is we are so busy and so pre-occupied with worldly pursuits that we are side-tracked from hearing God. If we hear Him a little that is of some good but He wants us to hear Him a lot more and more clearly.


Many of us know and are seeing that the churches with their buildings and services are not emphasizing hearing from God or how to hear from Him. Also, they are missing the mark of what the Lord wants in other areas too. But the one thing God is wanting is for us to hear His voice. We are to stop playing games, going through the motions, business as usual and say, “I want to hear God, what does He want me to do, where is the Lord in my daily life, in my week, in my religious activities?” If you will say seriously and intently, I will begin to seek God to hear clear and pure instructions from Him. I will seek Him till I find Him. I will make steps toward Him till I sense He is making steps toward me, and then what will He say to me at “my burning bush” experience? What is His plan for me, show me Oh Lord, speak to me as you spoke to all those in the Bible!


Once we begin to hear from God clearly (and at first it will take a little trial and error and practice), but God has always been in the business of taking people from where they are to where He wants them to go, if they will seek and search for him with all their heart. Will you make it the one, major priority of your life now? That is what God is calling all who are willing to, now!


Yes, there is much wrong with the Church but He is planning to fix and restore His Church to what we are supposed to be. He will do this through a mighty move of God in your heart and in the hearts of many others who will hear, He wants to put His fire of revival in your heart. A fire to know Him, love Him, and follow Him. He will make you equal to the task ahead for your transformation and the transformation of His true Church, His Bride. He wants to use you as you change, to bring this good change to the Church and touch the world.


What will result is your closer walk with the Lord. This is key. But there will also be a new connecting of one person here and one person there who are also hearing the same call of God and are being transformed just like you are. There will be a divine networking as God brings people together to get to know each other. Jesus will build His Church, placing living stone to living stone as He designs this Body of His for His glory. Not only will He make divine connections between people here and there but He will teach us to love one another with a love never before seen since the 1st century love of the disciples for each other.


God desires to create a love and oneness and a knitting of our hearts among His children in a love so rich and deep that the world will notice and see Christ’s love in us in a way the world has never seen or known before. He will teach us how to do this and the world will see and know God is alive in us.


Yes, we will love God with a passion and intimacy and run after Him as He is also pursuing us, and we will be on fire with desire for Him. And His great goal to make us be together and be one and love each other as He loves us will unfold. The meetings in homes, out doors, in whatever buildings He wants that will result will be led by the Lord 100 % because we want only 100 % Him. All will be able to share their spiritual gifts and have a voice as the Spirit leads and gives utterance and our meetings will not be the words of just a few but the words of God spoken through the least and the greatest of vessels, everyone as He leads. His presence will be in our midst in an awesome way, He will be the center and He will be with us.


This will be real revival. This is what the Lord wants. This is what He is doing right now as you read this. Don’t you feel it? It is what God is doing now. We are running after Him (He Himself is drawing us and calling us to Himself), knowing and walking with Him closer and hearing His voice more clearly (His instructions and words to each of us), divine connections with others in preparation for meetings together with 100 % God guiding our gatherings, wherever and whenever He leads, with everyone being used by Him speaking and giving the oracles of God. What a great revival, and it is now happening, here and there and everywhere for those who want only God in purity and clarity and truth.


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