My thoughts after reading the book "True and False Revival"
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My thoughts after reading the book "True and False Revival"

Posted: 2008-08-12 11:53:30

My thoughts after reading the book “True and False Revival” by Andrew Strom

(Excerpts are given with page #s from the book)

Truth has fallen in the streets. The Tabernacle of David has fallen, but it is being raised up in our day. The raising up of the Lord’s Tabernacle is the beginning of Revival for this time. We also are raising up a standard of truth that the Lord is now giving us that will be seen by many as it is lifted up. They may not accept what God is saying but at least the truth is being sounded forth as a trumpet or a horn sounding forth with clear notes. The Bride is hearing the call.

What is the Lord saying? Clear and concisely He is saying, “Stop all that you are doing in the flesh and come to Me (the Lord) and I will show you what I want in this hour.” “Come out of all that is not of Me and I will teach you to walk with Me and learn the new things and the old things that I want to do to restore My people to all they were meant to be.” Of course, there is much more than this, but do you hear His call to come out of what is not of Him and to know Him and come into what He wants to do now? What He has been showing us here at Prophetic Ministry and what He has been showing many others around the world are precious truths and revelations that are changing our hearts and lives. We are being changed to think and be more like our Lord, and a standard is raising in our hearts that we will speak out to whoever has an ear to hear what He is saying.

Just as it says in Acts chapter 2, “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, the young and the old, men and women, anyone who has an ear to hear, visions, dreams, and prophetic words.” What we are hearing from the Lord is anointed of the Holy Spirit, and it puts an anointing on our lips, and the revelations we hear are prophetic and cause us to know and give forth these prophetic insights to others. We are being changed by Him and all who will hear us will hear what God is saying.

So, please know how important you are who are seeing Him more clearly and hearing Him more clearly. We are being made into precious vessels (of gold) to carry His special new wine. We have been given the responsibility to carry the Holy things of the Lord. But many will not welcome us with open arms. Some will. They will know that God is speaking and they will hear His call through us, even as the Lord himself has been drawing them into a deeper walk with Him. In their heart they will know the voice of God when they hear it. They will know who is of God, who has a kindred spirit with God, and we will touch each other’s hearts, all who have been seeking Him.

Here is what the Scriptures say concerning these “prophetic people” (you are included as a “prophetic person” because you are hearing from God). The following is an excerpt from “True and False Revival” by Andrew Strom, which I think speaks very accurately concerning how the “prophetic” will be rejected/accepted. (Pages 83-84 “Receiving” a Prophet)


It is interesting to note that throughout Scripture there is a tremendous blessing attached to "receiving" a true prophet and his message. Likewise, there is a real curse attached when we reject the one whom the Lord sends. We see this on both a small scale and a large scale, right through the Bible.

This concept of "receiving" a prophet was so important to Jesus that He said: "He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward" (Mt 10:41). He told his disciples that when they came into a new town, "whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!" (Mk 6:11).

To Jesus it was a very serious thing that Jerusalem and Israel were not only rejecting Him and His message, but also the "prophets and wise men" that He would send to them. (My own addition: Matt. 23:37, 38 says, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you!....Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.”) The mistreatment of these messengers was in itself a cause for the most severe judgment. If you read the entire passage of Jesus' outcry over Jerusalem in Matt 23:34-39, you can clearly see that this was a major reason for the judgment that was about to come upon them. And indeed, less than forty years later in AD 70, Jerusalem was surrounded by armies and utterly destroyed – just as Jesus had prophesied. It is estimated that over one million Jews were put to death, and the historian Josephus records that so much blood was flowing in the streets at times that it was putting out the fires. 

Jesus ends this passage in Matt 23 with a very significant statement: "You shall see Me no more till you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!'" Again, this is all about 'welcoming' those whom God sends, rather than rejecting them. Jesus is saying here that He will not come to this people again until they are welcoming of Him and His true messengers. And the same applies to us today. (My own addition: This particular verse, Matt. 23:39 may mean other things also. Please note these passages Matt. 21:33-44 and 22:1-14: In Matt. Chapter 21 the Father in heaven sent servants to those who were entrusted with the vineyard but the “leaders” of the vineyard rejected them. More servants were sent but they were rejected also. In Matt. Chapter 22 the Father in heaven sends out servants to call those who are invited to His wedding feast but they were not willing to come. So He sent other servants to say, “all things are ready, come to the wedding.” But they made light of it and went their own ways. Then the Father said to His servants, the wedding is ready but those who were invited are not worthy. Go into the highways, and those who have an ear to hear, did come, both bad and good.

One of the major questions that arises about America in our day is whether or not she is willing to "receive" the true prophets that God sends to her, like in times past. For prophets are "difficult" people. They always come with an uncomfortable message, and they are not easy to hear or receive. There is always a cost to welcoming a true messenger of God. But has America now grown too comfortable to receive such ones? Has she become too used to having her ears tickled? Is she now so sated with soft words and gentle speeches, with mass entertainment and selfish pleasures, that she will no longer hear the ones who cry “Repent”? If so, then judgment is at the doors. This is one of the greatest fears I have for America today - that she will not receive a true prophet – only one who is false and tickles her ears.

Now let us consider some other excerpts from “True and False Revival” by Andrew Strom to see what kind of Revival the Lord wants to bring and what kind of Revival we as the Bride are hungry for. Are we looking for miracles, manifestations and healings? Or are we really hungry for a close relationship with the Lord? Maybe you say, you want both. But if we are hoping for exciting fireworks when in truth the reality of knowing God intimately will require a dying to self, then we should expect this: “True Revival is not the top blowing off but rather the bottom falling out.” “The early stages of Revival will be characterized by a depth of spirit of repentance where Christians will realize that they have been harboring sin of some kind in their lives (that is keeping them back from God’s best) and that there will be a need for deep cleansing and change in us. There will be godly sorrow, weeping and mourning over our condition. (My own: After all, is not revival to revive back to where we need to be as Christians and pure servants of the Most High God?) “Is there anything in our lives that is doubtful, anything you are not sure whether it is good or evil? Away with it! There must not be a trace of a cloud between you and God.” (Pages 37-39 from “True and False Revival”)

In Pages 51-57 Andrew Strom describes how “false manifestations” in past great revivals and today have side-tracked people from the real purpose of revival. (And he feels these are very deceptive and dangerous). There will be true manifestations of God and false manifestations which will attempt to bring down, discredit, or side-track (maybe destroy) true revival. To safe guard against deception by false teachings, false prophets, and false manifestations in these last days and in the Revival the Lord is bringing Andrew Strom encourages us to “Know our Holy God intimately.” (My own: If we are seeking Him and Him alone, we will find Him and He will reveal Himself to us). When we have seen His glory, His holiness, His love-by drawing close to Him in prayer then this will help us to see through any counterfeits because we know the “real thing” so well. Purity of heart and humility are very important too. If certain things appeal to us we may “want” these things in our revival (for the wrong motives). But we must search our hearts (and see why we are wanting or doing something). We must also listen to the inner witness of the Holy Spirit that “still small voice” (that sometimes says, something isn’t right here). (Pages 59-60 of “True and False Revival”)

“The essence of true revival is-GETTING DEEPLY RIGHT WITH GOD….” (Page 100) (My own: If this is not our 1st and primary goal then we may be deceived by “signs and wonders” from the enemy of our soul. The goal of my own life and the major thrust of Prophetic Ministry is to draw near to God and have Him draw near to us and to really know Him and know His voice so that we might follow Him wherever He leads in this hour. Of course, where He leads will be in perfect harmony with the Scriptures and not in any way out of sync with what He has already said in His Word. (We will always honor the Scriptures for it is what God has already said to us if we will rightly understand them). But there will still be a new adventure for each of us to personally follow Him wherever He leads.

Please read these last two sections of Andrew Strom’s book “True and False Revival” and then I will make some concluding remarks.


It is an interesting fact that Charles Finney spent his entire ministry preaching to professing Christians. And yet he was called the greatest 'evangelist'! What he was doing was evangelizing the church people – because he found that most of them were not living in a state of true salvation at all. The church was 'unsaved'! Thus his first calling was to the believers of his day – to see them converted. Just like Jesus and the apostles were called first to the Jews – the 'believers' of their time. Finney found himself preaching piercing salvation messages his whole life in church buildings, Bible Colleges and so-on. The "Christians" must be saved.

Actually, you see this pattern in most Revivals down the centuries. In many cases, what Revival was, was the church coming into true SALVATION for the first time. They THOUGHT they were saved before, but they had been under a delusion. When the 'Revivalist' arrived and preached to them, suddenly they saw that they were undone and in a lost state, and multitudes were converted. Revival almost always begins with the church.

As we have seen, with the hugely lukewarm state of today's Western church, it is very easy to believe that a large percentage of our churchgoers are not walking in a state of true New Testament salvation at all. One evangelical pastor told me that he thinks perhaps 5% or 10% of his congregation is truly saved. I can well believe it – and we need to multiply that by literally thousands of churches nationwide. Remember, church attendance in the US is quite high (over 35%). But everyone agrees that there is an enormous amount of 'nominal' Christianity and 'social' Christianity going on – as well as a large number of people who attend churches where they are told they are 'saved' when clearly they are not.

It is difficult not to come to the conclusion that many of these churches are like "holding pens" for the damned – telling people that they are 'OK', when in reality they are headed for destruction. Personally, I find this very hard to take. What will God do to the preachers who are lulling the flock to sleep in this way? And when will preachers be found who will dare to tell the "Christians" that most are not saved at all – but still in their sins? Such is the role of the true prophet of God. Such is the role of the coming "John the Baptists".

Of course, Finney was hated and despised by churchmen for saying such things. How DARE he preach in such a way that implied that many 'fine church members' were unsaved? How offensive and ill-mannered! But Finney had such a passion and a burden to REACH THE 'CHRISTIANS' with the gospel. And this was exactly what God had called him to do.

Today we see exactly the same thing in the West as Finney saw in his day. We see a "church" that is very largely UNSAVED. A truly "saved" church (in the New Testament sense) behaves and looks and sounds utterly different to what we see today.

Even in ‘Spirit-filled’ circles we often find many "previously-saved-but-no-longer-walking-in-it" believers. Friends, this is not a state of 'salvation'. The Bible is very clear that only those who CONTINUE in New Testament Christianity and who "overcome" will be saved. These people are lost. You are either walking as a 'new creature' filled with love for Christ or you are not. If you are not walking in it then do not assume you are "saved" – no matter what some preacher tells you. It is all or nothing with God. The Bible tells us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". I would be very surprised if more than a quarter of the West's so-called "Spirit-filled" believers are actually walking with a clean heart before God. What on earth do they think will happen to them on Judgment Day?

Added to this, we have millions upon millions of 'old mainline' believers who literally NEVER get the opportunity to find out about "FULL" salvation. The Holy Spirit is never made real to them, and many have never been fully BAPTIZED in water, either.

So how on earth do we reach all these vast millions who are being duped with this half-Christianity – and who never get to hear the full gospel? What on earth can be done to get this message through to them?

This is a burden that is very much on my heart. And I am convinced that only the coming "John-the-Baptist" ministries will have the anointing to break through the walls of 'Religion' to reach these people with the truth. We are talking about millions upon millions of precious souls here. And they are people who DO BELIEVE in God. But they have been lied-to, and the real truth has been denied them.

I am convinced that a vital part of the coming harvest must begin with the CHURCH. It must begin with converting the "CHRISTIANS". This has often been God's order. "First in Jerusalem, then in Judea...."

I am deeply burdened for the church in the West. Let the new Charles Finneys arise! Let the trumpet sound go forth! The message of PIERCING REPENTANCE must be heard in the land once again. And the idol of 'Mammon' must surely be one of it's key targets. "For the word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword." May this mighty sword be brought to bear on the walls of Religion and false 'assurance' in our day.

Andrew Strom’s CONCLUSION  (Two Revival?) (Pages 100-102)

In this book, we have looked at true and false manifestations – and how to tell the difference. We have looked at the essence of what true Revival is – primarily GETTING DEEPLY RIGHT WITH GOD, and also becoming filled with His Spirit of ‘HOLINESS’.

We have also looked at how badly we need TRUE PROPHETS in this generation – and the kind of piercing message they will bring. We have looked at how compromise brought forth deception, and deception brought forth invasion. Yet God is still in control.

We are in a time of testing and separation. There is an end-time “sifting” going on amongst the people of God. That is why the Lord is allowing this invasion. Out of all this shaking and dividing He will bring forth a purified and set-apart Bride – “without spot or wrinkle or any such thing”. Strange fire is not to be offered on the altar of God. This is a separating of the holy from the profane. It is a testing of hearts. And the Lord is deliberately allowing it. Will you pass the test, my friend?

God is looking for a people who will “wait” and not run after Ishmael. This has been one of the greatest causes for the rise of the False in this hour – men who could not WAIT for God. They preferred to run after false fire than to pay the price and wait for the true. And oh – how they will come to regret their hastiness.

There is another thing that I believe is about to plunge the Western church into the fires of trial and purging also: It is a great economic depression. I believe God will use this to drive the “love of money” out of the church. No longer will the worship of Mammon co-exist side-by-side with the worship of Christ in the church. A great separation is coming. The idol of Mammon is coming down. The money-changers will be driven forcibly out of the temple. And this will bring about even greater separation between the true and the false.

These two events – the rise of great Last Days deception alongside great financial crisis – will bring testing and purging to the church on an unprecedented scale. Judgment truly begins at the house of God – and my friends it is beginning NOW. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. A great dividing is upon us. And God is going to use all of this to bring one last ‘Great Reformation’ to His church.


There have been a number of prophecies over the years that speak of “two Revivals” coming in the Last Days – one big and popular, soulish and shallow – while the other is smaller yet full of holiness, truth and love. Could these Revivals take place almost side by side? I believe this is very possible. In fact, I believe it is to be expected.

Some may think that because the picture I have painted in this book is so terrible regarding the state of the Western church, that perhaps I have "lost hope" for real Revival in this generation. This is not the case at all. I still have tremendous hope for Revival.  

I truly believe that God can still find His Finneys and Wesleys in this late hour – a true company of John-the-Baptists. I think there are many who have "not bowed the knee to Baal." They are hidden in the wildernesses and the caves, waiting for the hour of their showing forth. As we have seen, such preachers MUST be found if we are to see real Revival in this generation. All we can do is pray and pray that God will find them and raise them up before it is too late.  

I believe it is very possible that we stand today at the beginning of the greatest "shaking", the greatest Reformation, and the greatest moving of God in the history of the church. Surely, for many, this will be the church's finest hour. But it will also be the hour of greatest peril. Many who looked to have the greatest potential will be found to have fallen at the final hurdle, or to have shrunk back from taking their ultimate stand with God. It is only those who are prepared and praying who will have a part in true Awakening.

The Scripture, "Many that are first will be last, and many that are last will be first," will come into play at every level in this Revival – even in the order of NATIONS. For as always, God will use the little and the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, the powerful and the mighty. There is coming a great tidal-wave of "CHANGE". The old order is about to be overthrown, and the 'new' is to be established by God. He is about to wrest back control of His church by force.

Sadly, in many ways the current situation reminds me very much of the parable of the 'wise and foolish virgins'. When those who were truly ready had entered in, the door was slammed shut, and the unprepared were locked out of the very marriage that they were supposed to be a part of. No wonder there was "wailing and gnashing of teeth"! We are about to see this parable quite literally fulfilled in our day. Tragically, like Esau, it seems clear that many in these times are going to be found to have sold their birthright for a mere "mess of pottage".

If we are truly close to the end of the age, then surely we live in the most momentous and yet dangerous days in the history of the church. How we respond to the opportunities and the dangers of this time is entirely over to us. I believe that we are about to see an army of preachers arise who will bring down many of Satan's strongholds of sin and compromise – both in the church and in the world – and who will go forth, 'destroying the works of the devil' in Jesus' name, with great daring and resolve.

It is truly time for the John-the-Baptists to come forth – hidden and prepared by God for years for this last, dark hour. I believe that the Lord is about to once again be seen as a 'God of war', shaking the nations and scattering His enemies to the dust. As I said, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. And Jesus Christ will gain for himself a glorious bride that is truly "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing."

My concluding remarks are this (from David Nelson): 

I too am very concerned that there are many who think they are saved in the Church and are not. As I have spelled out in the book “The True Meaning of Salvation” our relationship with the Lord from the time we enter the narrow gate till the end of our lives here on the earth is essential. We will follow Him and become like Him. Yes, there will be bumps in the road, doubts, fightings against sin, weakness in us but we must keep our relationship with Him through it all, believing what He has said, with our eyes on Him, waiting on Him always. He will be our Shepherd to the end and will guide us. The top and bottom line of Jesus’ message to us is, “If any man wants to be my disciple, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me.” We must die to self and forsake all (as He shows us what to do) or we cannot be His disciple. This message is a radical life changing message that must be preached clearly and boldly again. Yes, we are forgiven by His sacrifice on the cross and through His blood alone, but there is a walk with Him that results from all the Lord’s forgiveness and mercy from the beginning of our salvation to the end of our walk. Without this it is not the true gospel and not true salvation. 

The sifting and separating and shaking that is taking place now is meant to create a Bride for Christ without spot or wrinkle. There will be much false teaching and false prophets and deception. But there will also be an emerging pure Church, built by the Lord, fit for the King and fitting us for heaven. Andrew Strom speaks in his conclusion about a company of preachers coming but I would like to say there will also be an emerging Body where everyone and all the gifts will be needed for this Revival.

I claim no corner on the truth or that I am super strong. I am only what I am by the grace of God and will only make it to heaven by the grace of God. So, we are all needing Him more than ever before and He is calling us near to Himself. He will help us through it all. We will make it and what glory we shall see in the earth and yet to come in heaven! Bless you all in your adventure with the Lord, in Jesus’ name, and with good success in your seeking and finding our great God. As we all join together for wonderful things ahead.


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