Encouraging words gleaned from Paulette Reed's word "God is about to deliver "Multiple Births"
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Encouraging words gleaned from Paulette Reed's word "God is about to deliver "Multiple Births"

Posted: 2007-10-29 22:12:33

Encouraging words by David Nelson gleaned from and inspired by Paulette Reed’s word “God is about to deliver Multiple Births” and a reading of Romans chapter 8  (10-25-07)

Have you been “pregnant” with a vision or a dream of what you would like the Lord to do in your life or in the Church? The Lord has been preparing us for some time now, making us heavy with expectancy as to what we hope that He will do in our lives and in the earth. If He has put a dream into our hearts (just like He did with Joseph) He will complete all the destinies He has planned for each of us. Paulette Reed speaks of pregnancy and pressure cookers to illustrate similar spiritual experiences that we are all going through now. The “pressure cooker” of our lives has been so hard for us to bear through these past years, but all the while it has really been gauged by the Lord to prepare us to be served up for His glory. In pregnancy a mother is torn between wishing the “baby” (our dreams) would go away (just forget the whole thing) or going through the frightening process of actually pushing the “baby” (our dreams) out into reality. Sometimes we feel like the baby ourselves. We have been growing in a dark, safe, comfortable place and now the Lord wants us to go through the process of pushing through into the “new place” He is bringing us to.

The long, dark birth canal of God’s purposes seem never to end and we have met such great resistance as we have tried to push our baby (our dreams) out. We are clinging to “I wish everything could stay the same”, the great changes all around us are creating great tension in us. But we also are so hungry for our dreams to be accomplished too, and that will mean so much must change. Our flesh is struggling but we want God’s will to be accomplished in the depths of our spirit. We are clinging to one thing and the Lord is saying, “Let go, Let go.” All is changing, I must reject all that was before, everything that was comfortable, safe and warm (in the womb). All that was comfortable seems to be ending. At the same time that God is preparing a place for you, your dreams and visions and the work He has for you to do are preparing a place for Him.

Sometimes we feel paralyzed by the evil in the world and our own weaknesses. But prior to birth a baby becomes very silent and still for 24 hours so as not to fight against the birth process. The pressures of the world and the pressures in the womb may be debilitating to you.

Yes, He has allowed us to suffer many things but it was so that we would draw near to Him, to create an intimacy with Him that could be gained in no other way. This intimacy is teaching us to trust Him, and it is creating a perfect love bond where all fear is cast out. Satan will do everything to bring confusion into our camps so that we will abort our God-ordained assignments. We have been in a small, narrow place to know God alone. But the birthing will squeeze us from the small place and launch us into a large, expanded place. We must learn to have the fruits of the Spirit in the birth canal when everything seems so bad and so dead. Perhaps our fruit is not ready to be revealed and we must spend a little more time in the small, dark place. We must be ready to carry His glory outside the womb. We must be shaped into Christ-likeness, we must be tenderized in the pressure cooker to get more of Christ’s meekness.

Giving birth is close to the experience of dying. We struggle to hold on to life, we struggle to hold on to something that has been part of us, instead of trying to get it out of us. But the Father says, I am about to make all things new, Push, Push, into the future. Do not have the attitude that you are going from drama to drama, from crisis to crisis, but you are going from peace to peace and from glory to glory, believing that everything happening to you is from God and is working together for good because you are called according to His purposes (for you) and He will complete them. (fulfill his good plans for you)

Don’t think you have done nothing. Your work is not in vain in the Lord. You have sown seed, you have labored. Let’s smile and remember how good God has been to us. We counted the cost, we tilled the fields, our dreams are growing. We will not remember the pain (after the birth), we will be overcomers with unspeakable joy. Behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the old will not be remembered or come into mind. (Is. 65:17)

Press through beloved, push, push, it will be worth it all. The darkness seems overwhelming at times. Jesus intercedes for us, the Spirit intercedes for us (shows us how and what to pray), even as we sleep He is building us up (He may come in dreams or speak to us or just bathe us with His presence). 

Could not the Lord be saying to us all, “Faint not, I am coming soon, Faint not, I am coming soon?” Don’t be overwhelmed by the darkness and the sin. I (the Lord) am not overwhelmed. I have overcome the world (Jn. 16:33). “Behold, I speak words of encouragement to you, that as you are in me, that ye might have peace. In the world you have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (and you will too because I am in you).”

The weight of God’s glory in the womb of God that He wants to bring into this world is being manifested in our pregnancy of dreams and the work He has for us to do. Can we even comprehend the weight of the glory of God that is coming? We can’t. We must simply believe, anticipate and rejoice.

The creation is groaning to see the revealing of the sons of God and the full manifestation of His glory and we are too. Our barren bodies are yearning for full deliverance. Waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are being enlarged in the waiting. (Rom. 8:19-25)

We are squeezing down the birth canal and our head or face presents itself 1st. The glory of the Lord will rise upon us as we see Him and see His light. We are being squeezed down the birth canal to reach (each of us) our destinies in Christ. We are leaving what is familiar and secure and entering into a place never seen before. Help us Lord, stay in peace and love under the pressure, as you jettison us from darkness into light.

Romans 8:26—The Spirit will help us in our infirmities, He will help us to pray as we ought, He will intercede for us. 

Rom. 8:28—All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called to and in accord with His purposes.

Rom. 8:29, 30—He knew us (and planned us) before we were born, He gave us a destiny before we were born, He chose us before we were born, He called us after we were born, He justified us (made us just in His sight, just as if we had never sinned), He is now and will glorify us and bring us to the glory He has planned for us.

Rom. 8:31—Are these things not amazing, what can we say with these things being true? God is for us, no one and nothing can be against us (and prevail).

Rom. 8:32—He gave us His Son (for our salvation) shall He not give us all other things as well?

Rom. 8:33—Who can charge us with failure when God has justified us (counts us as completely justified in His sight, just as if we had never sinned).

Rom. 8:35—No one and no thing or conditions or situations will separate us from the love Christ has for us, not tribulation, or distress, or persecution or peril.

Rom. 8:37-39—The truth is, in all these things we will not be overcome because we are more than conquerors because of Him who is loving us. Not angels or principalities or things that are present or things to come can overcome us. Nothing will separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (we trust in Him and rest in Him).

What a position we have, to be more than a conqueror, it must be through Him, who loves us.


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